Why are gaming and NFT a good combination?

October 7, 2023

The combination of NFTs and gaming is not only on the lips of a large part of the video game industry but also of the crypto market and investors. But also the crypto market and investors. There are several reasons for this, and all of them are important?

Everything suggests that the remainder of 2022 and the next 2023 will be a critical period in the development and evolution of blockchain gaming. 

The presence of NFTs in the video game world is unstoppable. Here are some of the reasons why.

A new market with huge potential

According to the words of expert (and Warlands CEO) Óliver Pérez, Olipp, we are facing a new paradigm that will change the video game industry and the concept of competitive gaming forever.

The potential is enormous. Video game players number in the hundreds of millions. Incorporating the blockchain layer into video games provides great added value.

We have to understand that it will fulfill one of the long-standing aspirations of any videogame fan: to own the characters or assets that they obtain in the game. 

But, more than that, it will allow the possibility of obtaining remuneration from leisure. In other words, the traditional gamer who plays for fun will be given a chance to earn additional income from this activity.


If we analyze the data of a growing industry such as video games, which moves tens of billions of dollars, we understand that the market gap for NFT games is huge. We have to consider that we are dealing with a part of the industry that is just starting to develop.

It will generate new investment opportunities in the sector.

Until recently, investing in the video games sector was a complicated matter. It could do it through direct investment in the shares of companies in the industry. Another option was to participate in the financing of projects through sponsorship campaigns. In the first case, it is not a very simple investment model within everyone’s reach. As for sponsorship, it generally provides a benefit more related to preferential access to the game but not to derived income.

The investment opportunities that open up through NFT gaming are multiple. Indeed, this is another added value of almost the same scale as the market potential.

It should bear in mind that an investor will be able to participate both in the gaming asset itself and in the game itself. He can invest directly in the secondary markets by trading his NFTs, in the internal market, or simply by earning a return from playing.

In addition to all this, other investments and return models are opening up. To cite just one, the passive model involves investing in playable NFTs and offering them to third parties to obtain a return. A kind of rental model known in the sector as scholarships.

In short, a good number of doors and paths are opening in a market that is not yet defined but which aims to be one of the most relevant in the digital world in the coming years.

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